Your toddler will be enjoying a very busy day. This day will include outdoor play, circle and story time, computer time, educational games, worksheets, crafts, gross motor activities, nutrition meals, and much more. Toddler hood is very inquisitive time for children. A lot of learning is developed at this stage of growth.
Some of these goals will include:
Regcognize pictures of themselves and their family. Sit for circle and participate in question and answer time. Sing songs and actions at circle time. Learn to take turns when standing in lines, going to the bathroom, playing games and sharing of toys. Ask for help when required.
Use plese and thank you appropriately. Manipulate puzzles, beads and peg boards independently. Speak in 2 to 3 word sentences. Follow simple directions. Climb steps using a railing. Help tidy up toys. Start to toilet train and wash hands independently. Help dress and undress themselves for outdoor play. Sit at a lunch table.
To keep open communication with teachers using a similar. Journaling system at was used for the infants, however, this time only significant changes to routine of your child's day will be noted in the journal - it would be helpful if the parents would write significant changes in the child's night time routine in the journal so the teachers can adjust the daytime schedule if necessary. 2-3 complete sets of clothing that are clearly labeled and seasonally appropriate for changing. Diapers, creams and wipes are to be supplied by parents - staff will notify the parent when supplies need to be replenished. Sleep time blanket and/or soft toy to be left at school for sleep time.
Soiled clothes will be sent home in a plastic bag on a daily basis for the parents . Indoor shoes or slippers to be left at school.
Age appropriate games, toys, educational activities etc. Nutritional meals and snacks. Washing of all bed linens on a weekly basis unless otherwise needed. A safe and bright environment that enhances learning. Accessible to children with special needs.
6:30 AM Free play 8:00 AM Bathroom routine - diaper change and sitting on toilet 8:30 AM Snack 9:00 AM Good morning circle including calender and educational concepts such as letter of the week, counting, special concepts, shapes, colours etc. 9:30 AM Bathroom routine 9:45 AM Outside time Toddler Group 1 9:45 AM Inside time - creative time - Toddler Group 2 10:45 AM Outside time - Toddler Group 2 10:45 AM Inside time - creative time - Toddler Group 1 11:45 AM Wash hands and bathroom 12:00 PM Lunch in rooms 12:30 PM Story time 12:45 PM Sleep time 2:45 PM Bathroom routine, 3:15 PM Snack 3:30 PM Free play 4:30 PM Outside - both groups together 6:00 PM Centre closes
This toddler program is designed to met the needs of each individual child and family. If at any time during your child's development you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the staff that is involved with your child.
© Guelph Kids Come First Child Care Centre, 2013