A time when the infants can learn to be around other children and yet still have their individual needs meet. It is a special time for the infants to become more independent and yet learn to adapt to the needs of a small group. Fine motor skills and listening skills are strongly encouraged at this age.
This is a busy time for learning and exploring their environment. This is an age of growing independence and learning through a variety of manipulative games, puzzles, sensory activities and daily outside play. We are starting to learn how to count and our ABC's as well.
These years are filled with exciting things. Much more exploration of the world around us as well as becoming more independent with washroom routines and all of the self help skills. The learning to sit and listen to stories, share our ideas and become more creative with a variety of materials in a variety of settings. We also enjoy a variety of activities outside and explore the neighbourhood around us.
Other Programs
Mini Musical Boppers
A pre-school program that introduces music to young children.